Subject: SoundHandle 1.0.2 APPL Author: Dale Veeneman Uploaded By: AFA DaveAx Date: 1/26/1995 File: SoundHandle 1.0.2 Ä.sit (109635 bytes) Estimated Download Time (60658 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 5282 Equipment: Any Mac; FPU optional Needs: StuffIt expander v2.x, System 7 Keywords: Sound Edit convert wav edit LIBRARY: MMS/Applications Utilities ----------------- KEYWORDS: Sound Edit convert wav edit Author's email address: This application allows you to record, play, display, analyze, modify and save sound samples. You can also generate waveforms, read 'snd ' resources from other applications, save sounds as System 7 sound files and convert sounds to and from ASCII text files. The application operates somewhat like a text editor, allowing you to cut and paste portions of sounds at will (including between multiple windows). Frequency spectra may be displayed, as well as gray-scale or full-color spectrograms. Modifications such as reversing, adding echo, amplitude scaling, resampling (changing the bandwidth/sampling rate), time scaling (changing the rate of play without changing the pitch) and frequency scaling (changing the pitch without changing the rate of play) are possible. The waveforms may be printed or copied to the clipboard as PICT's, there to be pasted into other applications. SoundHandle requires System 7, was compiled only for the Motorola 68000 family and supports 8-bit, monophonic sounds. (Someday, perhaps it will support the newer 16-bit, stereo sound format and be compiled for the PowerMac.) If available, it uses the FPU for intensive signal processing operations. For help, see the About Box ----------------------------------------------------------- Macintosh Music & Sound Forum Go Keyword: MMS This file has been checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.5 (KJ)